HexxHome selected as show home developer
HexxHome is one of 10 housing providers to have been selected to build an exemplar new house on a show home complex at Graven Hill Village in Bicester, Oxfordshire. Once complete Graven Hill will be the largest custom-build development in the UK. There will be in excess of 2,000 new houses built, 40% of which will be delivered by self or custom-build. HexxHome is the only off-site masonry solution to be available at Graven Hill, a key differentiator to the competition which is made up principally of timber frame builders. We have joined forces with Charlie Luxton Design to deliver the very best of sustainable architecture which showcases the style and resilience of our build-system. The site, with Golden Brick foundation design completed, is due to be handed over to us at the beginning of September and we hope to finish the build and fit-out by the end of this year.